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        Extra Tips

Use a smaller plate
to serve your food on.
Eat six smaller
meals a day rather
than three larger ones.
Drink water before you eat your meals to develop a feeling of fullness.
Know your
‘munchie' times and triggers and make
sure you have a healthy snack alternative in
your handbag – nuts
and raisins, dried fruit, low calorie and sugar snack bars, fruit, rice
crackers or low calorie crisp alternatives.

Dietary awareness
Eating healthily can help diminish your likelihood of developing heart disease. By changing your eating habits you can reduce your cholesterol level and your blood pressure with the added benefit of achieving a healthy body weight.

Eating at least five portions of fruit or vegetables each
day will not only benefit your heart health, but will also improve your general health.

Try to eat one of each
vegetable colour group per
day to include as much variety as possible.

Eat a balanced diet including cereals, grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry
and lean meat.

Limit foods high in saturated fat,
trans fat or hydrogenated fat – target foods that include two grams or less saturated fat per tablespoon.

Foods high in omega oils are beneficial to heart health such as oily fish – mackerel, herrings or sardines. These oils are also available as an oil that can be used to make dressings or drizzle over your vegetables.

Reduce sugar intake – sugary drinks and sweets are high in calories and low in nutrition.

Reduce salt intake to less than six grams per day.

Reduce the amount of alcohol to one unit per day for women as alcohol has a high sugar content.

Reduce your daily caffeine intake to one or two cups of coffee or tea per day or try drinking herbal tea which is a much healthier option.
Regular physical activity is the key to developing a healthy heart. Although we have busy lives sustained physical activity over ten minutes is often limited to once or twice a day. Continuous physical activity is necessary to be of benefit to your health. Ideally this should be 30 minutes a day. Think active:

Stand don't sit.

Walk don't stand.

Use the stairs not a lift or escalator.

Use housework to increase your activity each day.

Park the car 20 minutes away from work or get off at a tube station before your usual stop.

Don't ring your colleagues, walk to their desk.

Walk your children/grandchildren to school, take them to the park and play with them, don't just watch from nearby.

Increase the number of walks per day the dog has.

Plan an ‘active' time into your day and stick to it.

Purchase a pedometer to record the number of steps per day your usual activity involves and aim to reach 10,000 steps per day.

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